Friday, December 16, 2016

Turn The Page

In silent introspection, I turn the page and reflect upon the year behind.  What answer shall I make?  Is it not the same as before?  No ocean crossed, no mountain scaled.  Nothing.

Perspective becomes truth; mindset, surety of footing. Opportunities cannot be embraced while a heart is en-cumbered with yesterday's [perceived] failures. There must be a breaking away from the old if 
the new is to come. A breaking through the soil for the flower to arise and bloom.  A breaking.  

We fear the fallowing, yet there is a hardening for those who refuse.  Barricading the soul against the elements of Winter, hinders Spring's kiss. The issues of life can-not flow from a heart shut off. The potential for pain remains great when wells are opened wide.  A
cceptance walks hand-in-hand with rejection

What then shall we say to this? Will we allow moisten-ing from the morning dew to soften the ground for the tiller; that slow process toward a promised end? Shall we welcome the sprig not yet a tree, or despise the days of small beginnings?  

Set the face like flint toward an expected end while embracing today's challenges with unhindered deter-mination.  Embark on the journey in high spirits and joyful anticipation, knowing that 'all things work to-gether for your good, as you love God and are called according to His purpose.'*  

In silent introspection, as the page is turned and reflec-tion made on the year behind, my answer is thus, I have stayed the course.  


*Romans 8:28 Paraphrased

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