Friday, January 13, 2017


Deuteronomy 7:1-2
"When the Lord your God brings you into the land which you are entering to possess, and has cleared away many nations before you, the Hittite and the Girgashite and the Amorite and the Canaanite and the  Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite, seven nations greater and mightier than you, (2) and when the Lord your God gives them over to you and you defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall not make a covenant (treaty) with them     or show mercy and compassion to them."

We read this passage and think these are just ar-chaic Old Testament instructions to Israel, but I think a closer look at the nations the Israelites were commanded to dispossess will reveal rele-vance for today. Because there are seven, and I really want to develop their identity, I'll break these down over a few weekly posts so we don't get overwhelmed. This will also provide time to pro-cess each "ite" as they relate to us individually.  

So what could this passage possibly have to do with us?  Let's say that Israel represents you, and living the life God planned for you is your promised land, but everything seems pretty messed up right now and you don't know what's going on; the mess is the enemy. Here's the first point I want to make: you can't dispossess an enemy you can't define. 

Let's start with the Hittites; it's important to know what they represent, then determine whether or not they're squatting in your life. The Hittites were far more than just some ancient evil nation.  Their name has meaning; meaning and practical application. 

So, what is a Hittite?

Hittite means: 

  • to be broken, shattered or dismayed
  • terror, destruction, or ruin.  

Let's break that down a little more. 

  • Dismayed: breakdown the courage of completely as by sudden danger or trouble
    • dishearten 
    • thoroughly disillusion
    • loss of courage
    • agitation of mind 
  • Dishearten: depress the hope, courage, or spirit of, discourage.  
  • Disillusion: free from belief, idealism, or conviction; disenchantment. 
  • Disenchantment: sadden, dismay, frustrate, dishearten, deceive, disconnect, fail, mislead.  
Have you ever felt brokenness in your life; felt like your dreams have been shattered?  Have you been dismayed, battled fear; been depressed? Have de-struction and ruin swept through your emotions like a tornado?  What about being disillusioned?  Has life ever thrown something at you that shook your convictions, your belief system; caused a cri-sis of your faith? Have you been disenchanted; frustrated? Felt like a disconnected failure de-ceived and misled by life, itself?  If you've answer-ed 'yes' to any of these questions, keep reading, there may be Hittites possessing your promised land, stealing your peace, joy, health, and destiny.  

The first step to rousting these enemies out of your life is to acknowledge they're there. Sometimes we don't like to admit we're struggling.  We put on masks that portray we've got life under control when Hittites are terrorizing and breaking us down.  I know I have.  But "you can't conquer what you won't confront." (Paula White).  

In the beginning of this Scripture, God tells the Israelites that He's, "...cleared away many na-tions...the Hittite..." Before Israel is told to go take their land, God tells them He's already cleared away the enemies.  So, if God's cleared them away, why are they still there?  What's meant by God clearing them away, is that He's removed their defense (Numbers 14:9), He's defeated them be-forehand; it was a fixed fight.  All Israel had to do was trust God and obey Him.

What I'm basically saying is, you're not going to live life without a fight, but the end has been de-termined from the beginning  (Isaiah 46:10). So you don't have to let the Hittites overtake your life; you don't have to be dismayed (Isaiah 41:10).  If God is for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31).

Once you've acknowledged there's an enemy, you need a battle strategy.  I can't give you a set form-ula for that. I can give you some helpful advice, but the bottom line is, you'll have to hear from the Lord for yourself. Before you say that you can't, trust me, you can.  His sheep know His voice, and the voice of another they won't follow, (John 10:4-5).  

My suggestion is that you spend time in praise and worship.  Also start by spending some time reading the book of Psalms; out loud. " comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17).  This will help with the brokenness and emotional dismay (depression, disillusionment, etc), and fear you may be dealing with.  Read these Scriptures daily and get them from your head into your heart; I think you'll find they bring peace to your soul.

Don't be surprised if you continue to have negative feelings for awhile. Just because you feel defeated doesn't mean that's how the story ends.  God has the final Word. Look at Scriptures that deal with His plan for your life; it's a good one. (Jeremiah 29:11). 

The more you bathe yourself in praise and wor-ship, the Scripture and prayer, the more your thoughts and emotions will begin to line up with the Truth of God's Word. Don't get all religious about prayer.  Prayer is simply talking to God in honesty of heart.  Yes, be reverential, but talk to Him in your normal voice, not "Tho most holiest Fatherest..." Face it, we don't talk that way. You're His child; come to Him as one, knowing that He loves you. Doing these things on a con-sistent basis, without condemnation if you miss a day, you'll begin to possess your promised land, and see those Hittites leave.  It's a process; it doesn't happen overnight.  Don't give up at the first sign of opposition.  It will be a fight, you just have to remind yourself it's fixed and you're the winner, if you don't throw in the towel.  

As you embark on this new year, make a deter-mined purpose to shake yourself free from every-thing that prevents you from walking in freedom from Hittites. "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but power, love, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7).

Join me next Friday for another Devotional In His Word

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